
Policies are integral to our school community and ensure that procedures are in place to protect our staff and students. As educators, we believe that it is our role to ensure all students are safe, happy and make growth in their learning.

These principles are reflected in our policies.

Child Safe Standards

Online Services

Swan Hill Primary School uses Online Services to provide the best education setting available for our students and staff. Many of these services allow for students, staff and parents to access services and learning opportunities easily. They are an important part of our curriculum and allow students to build 21st Century Learner skills. We have up-to-date Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA) for each online service we use at school. We are currently using the following online services: Sentral Education, Microsoft Office 365, Essential Assessment, Reading Eggs, Facebook and our School Website. As a school, we have carefully chosen online services and completed a PIA to ensure the safety of students’ information and identity online.

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data: School Students with Disability

Swan Hill Primary School participates in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data: School Students with Disability (NCCD). All Australian schools annually participate in the NCCD. The NCCD collects data about students across Australia who receive an adjustment to participate in education because of disability. This reflects and supports the ongoing work in schools and ensures that quality teaching occurs for all students.

The information collected by schools for the purposes of the national data collection will ultimately be provided to the Department. Click on the link below to access further information:

Collection Statement

Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy.

Please take time to remind yourself of the school’s collection statement.

For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents. This information is also available in nine community languages.

Digital Technologies

SHPS Digital Learning Policy (linked to SHPS 2023 Digital Learning Policy: location S:\Staff\Policies\Policies 2023\Digital Learning policy 2023.docx)

DET Digital Technologies – Responsible Use Policy (linked to the policy on DET website below).

Digital Technologies – Responsible Use: Policy | education.vic.gov.au